The increasing complexity of a workplace impacted by social, technological, political, and economic forces will require forward-thinking human resource professionals who can keep pace with rapid changes. Candidates who can demonstrate agility in shifting priorities to not only find and maintain the workforce of today, but to plan for the workforce of tomorrow will be in demand. Well-prepared candidates should be able to discuss keeping up with the latest technology trends, dealing with a multigenerational workplace, and understanding the job expectations of the younger generations.
Sample of possible interview questions for Human Resource Professionals:
Tell me about a time when you had to hire for a difficult-to-fill position. How did you go about finding appropriate candidates?
Discuss your experience with developing training programs for managers.
Talk about your experience with initiating a metrics packages for an organization. How did you use the information gathered?
What do you think is most important in achieving employee satisfaction?
Describe ways which you’ve successfully retained talent.
Describe the process you use to identify training needs of the organization.
Describe your experience with performance reviews. Do you believe performance reviews are helpful? Why or why not?
What do you do when you find there is a mismatch between the skills needed for a position and the talent available?
What does being an “employer of choice” for workers mean to you?
Describe ways you have tried to control benefits costs.
Have you implemented any virtual training tools?
Describe a proactive recruitment strategy you have used.
How do you handle informing an employee of his/her termination from the company?
Have you developed any employee programs geared toward helping employees of different generations better understand and work together?
What do you think are the biggest challenges in dealing with a multigenerational workforce?
How do you stay current with the latest trends in recruiting?
How many people were you responsible for hiring at your last job?
Discuss your experience with mobile recruiting.
How effective have you been at helping employees contribute their best efforts?
Tell me how an effective employee recognition program works. How do you know it’s effective?
Have you changed anything in your organization to accommodate the job expectations of the millennial generation?
How do you handle an employee who breaks company policy?