Does the thought of a job interview make your head spin? There can be so much anxiety prior to an interview – What will they ask? Will I know the answers? Do I look okay? What if I just freeze? Will they like me? Will I like them?
Yes, job interviews are a stressful business, but they do not have to make you crazy with worry if you focus your thoughts on three main things: preparation, positive thinking, and presentation.
Commonplace in the business world, a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis can not only help you answer critical interview questions, but can also create a better resume and cover letter. This exercise will help you articulate your related strengths and create an awareness of areas where you may need improvement. Try to look at yourself as through the eyes of a prospective employer and consider both your strong and weak points. If you are out of touch with what employers are looking for, do some research about the top skills needed. Better yet, conduct an informational interview with someone you admire in your field and ask them to discuss the key characteristics necessary for job success. Make a list of those qualities and determine how many of them you have and which ones you may need to acquire through additional professional development.
Take the list of strengths you developed in the SWOT analysis and further develop it. Put each strength/skill in the context of a success story which exemplifies that skill in action your professional life. A compelling success story gets ‘em every time!
Positive Thinking
Attitude matters! If you find yourself engaging in any negative self-talk, try to remember that you are walking into this interview having already succeeded in getting this person (or people) to take the time to meet you. Considering the high number of applicants for most job openings, this is a great accomplishment. They already like you, so just keep that momentum going – be friendly to everyone you meet, and engage others with good eye contact and listening skills.
Hopefully, you now have that positive vibe going, but does it show? If someone in the room held up a mirror to your face during the interview, what would you see? Try to “smile with your eyes” – Google it! Of course, a smile with your mouth is also a great way to connect with others. Smile and the world smiles back – and with lots of hard work and a little luck, it will also offer you a job.